Saturday, 10 November 2012

Jeff Koinange

O! And we met Jeff Koinange on our way out of the Gospel Garage session--- What a guy!? What a day?!  It was "aaaaall Kenya, aaaaaall the time!"

Show Me the Way

 Shem has also been back in the booth with Carena at 3000 Music!  He recently dropped his new hit single, Show Me the Way, at 
DJ Sadic's Club 3:16...
 Check out the audio HERE!!!

Gospel Garage

 Earlier this year after the release of both Wape Habari and King's Mic, Shem was featured on Gospel Garage with Sk Blu.  Shem, along with co-guest, Gloria Muliro, tackled the controversial subject- whether the world and church are getting used to 'God' and starting to become casual in how we see Him.  Although Shem is a Gospel rapper and singer... He is also a great preacher which he showed as he seriously laid down the Gospel message on Gospel Garage!!!